domingo, 9 de setembro de 2012


Proceed of God Uno e Trine and has your radical origins in Person of Father by joint mission of the Son ando f the Holy Spirit, so we can say that it is of divine origin. There arose in history, is of divine institution, because they come from a Will which is prior to universal history.

Christ founded the Church, created and structured, infused vitality and strength by sending the Holy Spirit, thus fulfilling His own mission, has made this mission task of the apostles, sending them to prolong in the world His redemptive work. The Trinity is not only the origin of the Church, but mostly gives it the way of being. At the time she was born on the cross, the open side of Christ and was fully launched, opened in Pentecost.

Throughout Church history, with the advancement of their self understanding (nature and mission), especially with Second Vatican Council, it can be said that the true Christ’s Church subsists in the Catholic Church, because the story itself highlights its foundation and uninterrupted succession of the apostles. Thanks to its deepening it’s able to recognize that though the Church founded by Christ and dear, do not come to be fully Church in this land, by the limitations of his own condition creature. In other words, your existence doesn’t exhaust, fails absolutely what it means to be church in the radical semantics of the term.

Thus holy by divine constitution looks for the sins of their children and intercedes for them. It is also able to realize that there are many elements of sanctification and truth beyond its visible limits, what makes admits the presence and action of Lord in other religious denominations. For this reason, to have clarity of their identity and their role in this world, seeking to reestablish communion with the religions of mankind and other church denominations, because in them, in a limited way, manifests the truth of Christ and His Church, the only that owns all the means of salvation (faith and the sacraments)!

"With the term «subsistit in» the Second Vatican Council sought to harmonize two doctrinal statements: on the one hand, that the Christ’s Church, despite the divisions among Christians continues to exist fully only in the Catholic Church and, secondly, to that 'there are many elements of sanctification and truth outside of their composition', 55in the churches and ecclesial Communities not yet in full communion with the Catholic Church. 56 About these, however, it must be stated that "its value derives from that fullness of grace and truth entrusted to the Catholic Church." Post conciliar Declaration DOMINUS IESUS.

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